Maria Burpee

Marketing Artisan & Top Consultant | Startup Trainer, Coach, Mentor

Highly sought-after Marketing Executive specialized in Healthcare and Internationalization.

Delivering strategies to infuse creativity, ignite growth and achieve incredible outcomes.

You can call me a real-time marketer, modern marketer, multichannel marketer or one of the other buzz terms, but I consider myself more of a marketing artisan. Where I thrive and you benefit is when quality meets creativity, artistry meets value; a holistic approach for creating tailored solutions, cultivating meaningful relationships and delivering a service of such artisanal, expert quality, value is derived across the entire stakeholder audience, from clients themselves to their clients and key audiences.

My specialties include:

  • Building and sustaining thought leadership; creating loyalty, evangelism and preference

  • Writing for marketing (copywriting, blogging, collateral); optimized, relevant, compelling content

  • Social media listening and publishing; unlocking insights and stimulating action for true engagement

  • Sales enablement and empowerment; aligning sales and marketing to drive better results

  • Marketing program planning; 360° integrated campaign design and activity planning

  • Event marketing; 10,000 person tradeshows or 10 person roundtables, get extraordinary outcomes

  • Vertical (segment) marketing; whether in tech, IT, or healthcare - my ability to get specific gets results

Packaged Services:

I hesitate to list my services because often what I do is customize a plan to your needs and objectives, owing to the fact that every situation is unique. Customers deserve to be  engaged in a special way; with materials and activities relevant to them.  

However sometimes things do fit nicely in a package. Here I have listed two packages I offer for consulting services: what I call a Personal Marketing Assistant (images 1 & 2) and a Start-up Package (images 3 & 4). 

Read more about my passion for marketing or read how I price my services. Email me at